Monday, December 1, 2008


Monday, December 1, 2008
I have this wonderful ability to avoid things that cause me great distress. I use many methods, my biggest is eating. I’m a binger, a big time binger. When I’m not binging, I eat normal and I maintain or even lose a few pounds during these periods. But I binge at least twice in a good week, a bad week may mean up to 5 binges. Did you know you can gain 5, even 10 pounds in a week? You can.

3500 extra calories equates to one pound. Gaining 1 pound a week is as easy as eating 500 calories over your maintenance caloric intake a day, for one week. Boom, you’ve gained one pound. 1 binge can mean 1 or 2 pounds!

Lets see how this works, shall we? Here is a typical binge list for me. The Calories are estimated from a few different calorie counters I found on the internet.

1 Fast Food Hamburger/1100
Large Pop/ 534
Pork Fried rice/360
Sweet and sour chicken/ 1100
KFC Mac and Cheese/ 800

Total= 3894

That’s a pound! A binge around this size means 2.2 pounds a week. Similar binges like the one above, committed just twice a week, for a month adds up to 8.8 pounds. In six months, that’s 52.8 pounds. This means 2 binges a week, for an entire year is over 100 extra pounds.


Leanne said...

Scary isn't it? I used to be a Mc D adict and gained a lot of my weight going through the dirve throughs. I do not go there anymore. On the same note if you cut 500 calories a day that is a pound a week lost. Now if I want to binge I cook. I'm great at making large amounts of low cal foods.

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